Team Building Treasure Hunts - Spot the City #7

Good morning treasure hunters! That's right it's 'Spot the City' time again at Treasure Hunt Company HQ and we have another London puzzler for you - can you tell which of our fabulous London treasure hunt locations we've been in this week?  (answer revealed on Friday!) London is so full of history and incredible landmarks that it can be difficult to decide which area is best to base your corporate treasure hunt in - that's why you should have a quick chat with our friendly sales team on 0845 006 06 06. Our experienced staff will know exactly what to suggest to start creating your bespoke event.

Where have the Treasure Hunt Company been this week?

For initial ideas have a look at our London Adventure which has something for everyone, or why not see how your teams fare against our billionaire tycoon in the Apprentices Treasure Hunt? Be sure to visit our website too for endless treasure hunt ideas!