Team Building Treasure Hunts - Spot the City #10

The Treasure Hunt Company team spirit is definitely at an all-time high this week with summer just around the corner and treasure hunt season gearing up to be our best one yet! Not everyone can say their working day is spent taking fantastic clients around some of the most gorgeous cities in the UK but hey, it's a tough job and all that... Can any of you eagle-eyed readers guess which of our favourite cities we've taken our clients round this week from the snaps below? (Answer revealed on Friday!)

Can you guess where The Treasure Hunt Company has been this week?

A treasure hunt team building afternoon is one of the most effective ways to boost team morale and bring a group together, especially in an exciting city location - so why not talk to our sales team on 0845 006 06 06 and find out about our high-tech treasure hunts or one of our themed days, like a superhero adventure?  We have 25 fantastic treasure hunt events to choose from, or we're more than happy to create one from scratch just for you - take a look at our website for some inspiration and let us know what you fancy!